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State Exam Feedback Form


Please complete and submit this form after you take your state exam. By completing this form you will provide me with valuable information to improve this web site and help others with the exam in the future.

Please provide the following information:


School You Attended


Enter the date you took the exam:

-- mm/dd/yy

Did you pass or fail the exam?

Pass  Fail

How difficult was the exam?

Not at all difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult

How helpful did you find this web site?

Not at all helpful
Somewhat helpful
Very helpful
Extremely helpful

Was there anything on the exam that was not covered in your course? If yes, give details.

Other comments regarding the exam or this web site

Will you recommend this web site to others?

Yes  No



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Created and maintained by: Tim Wyman, Licensed New Jersey Real Estate Instructor
©Copyright 1998-2009 All Rights Reserved
The Professional School of Business